My name is Ellsif Fade and I am the victim of evil social experimentation by the government and its shadowy corporate apparatuses (no discernible difference between the two, one hand washes the other,) and I am LOVING IT ! ! !
I love Neocities. I love the creativity. I love the community. I feel like I get more views for my content here than any other online service I've used. Don't know how you do it but I usually find new pages to follow by browsing the most recently updated.
I consider myself part of the twitter diaspora. I had a neocities page prior to the bird-site tanking, I now consider this my first home on the internet. It feels great having control over the content and specifically how the content is presented. Anyways, you won't find my ass on that platform anymore. It is DEAD to me.
These works are all in beta. TRIGGER WARNINGS - ALL THE WARNINGS. I recognize that the average neocities denizen likely prefers brief and flirty exchanges to long-form ball-and-chain content but to hell with it! I'll upload a novella if I damn well please!
This was a tandem story done with one of the early LLM models before my free trial expired. Whenever I got stuck I let the A.I. carry the story a little ways. The results are pretty fun. I'm enjoying A.I. less and less the more refined it gets and the more coherent its expressions become. In case you haven't noticed yet, I have some alternative views on PURITY.
My principle work. My one reader so far described it as 'fun.' Overall I'm not sure if it really achieves my standards or vision, nor the sort of dramatic punch I one day hope to employ but here and there I think I attacked the reader pretty good. You'll have to let me know, check the CONTACT card for more details.
I am a poet before I am a writer, a writer before I am an author, but I LOVE the form of the novella and I consider it preferable to the novel. A novella is imminently achievable for both the writer and the reader, both of whom are likely a little distracted from 24/7 media onslaught and chemical exposure. A novella can fit neatly into a jacket pocket. It promises intimacy, it promises concise expression, it promises artistic vision. YOU CAN WRITE A NOVELLA. Most books are either a novella padded out to novel size for marketability or because the author doesn't understand the medium, or, worse, they're screenplays padded out to novel size, where the author is trying to take advantage of the book to movie pipeline, (which I personally find disturbing because a book aspiring to be a movie is conceptually fitting a tremendous mind into a tiny, fragile body - it's monstrous! THAT IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION. YOU NEVER HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME ON ANYTHING. WE CAN LIVE IN SIMULTANEOUS BUT SEPARATE SIMULATIONS, MOST PEOPLE DO ANYHOW.)
Draw a random tarot card for fun or inspiration! Make sure to set your intention! NBCLI - Never Be Caught Lackin' Intention, I always say. I always say that.
The contents of the EPHEMERA tab are temporary. Mostly things I've read, vids I've watched, neocities pages that have intrigued me, novelties, etc. Pot-pourri - emphasis on the pourri.
Oh my darling reader, nothing makes my blood run cold more than The Curse. Every day I combat The Curse, every night I lie awake spinning my thoughts into tighter and tighter bundles trying to conceive of a way to break The Curse and win freedom.
Feel free to send thoughts to, or, I don't know. . . just follow me and I will follow back and we can communicate through the feed feature like a couple of low-hygiene psychopaths.
Purity is a social phenomenon that has some wonderful qualities that just happen to be tied at the back-end to the absolute most evil shit ever perpetrated against mankind. We all unconsciously hone our prejudices every day and consume content that skews our perception towards some form of purity. It's a type of curse, but it's not The Curse.
It's often said we read horror for relief; we get to associate with the danger and the misery and the fear, process it, and then we put it away. It's also a valuable tool for social commentary. I feel I tend to use horror as a substrate. Its presence is so thoroughly accepted that it may as well be invisible. My characters participate in it as a sort of ritual observation, like waiting for the bus. Some people read horror because there's no difference when the nightmare goggles come off. How many people, day to day, do you think you see walking the streets, driving, shopping, going about their business, how many of them have a head full of nightmares? And what was it that put them in that headspace?
Think of all the individual signs and signifiers that make up a person's world-view. It's quite a lot. It's also dependent on one's experience: their perception of the past, the present, and the future. We live in separate and unequal realities. There's an american video game that really externalizes this notion. In the Fallout series, you emerge from a vault, an ideologically isolated unit, and you wander the world of similarly isolated communities. The characters of the game don't make mention of the programming that runs their reality, but this programming is the closed system of their world - nothing comes in, nothing goes out. We live in just such a closed system. Most of the thoughts we think to ourselves are repeated in some fashion or other millions of times a day. All that we say, all that we do, all that we are, is defined by a closed system.
I don't have a high opinion of video games. I play them from time to time to trick my mind into believing it has found something of interest. They're good for that.
People are worried about artificial intelligence or AGI taking over. The problem is, it already has! Everything you think, everything you do, what your status is, what you wear, what you eat, how these things arrive to you, all of these things are products of programmatic thinking. When people express worry about A.I., what they are really concerned with is with their personal control over the system - they certainly aren't concerned with the process by which that good fortune arrives to them! Nor are they concerned how that program systematically underprivileges millions. Personally, I'm unafraid. To borrow the sparrows analogy used in A.I. threat analysis: a sparrow that raises an owl, only to be consumed by that owl, has performed admirably in my estimation. It's a worthy sacrifice.