Assistant Deputy Raulin’s German Shepherd. The trespasses of the devil against our community are abrupt and shocking, but the great work of God always prevails on a greater timescale where wisdom, sufficiently advanced in age, may illuminate the darkness. When they returned home covered in the dirt of the grave and bite marks up and down their arms they could scarcely walk, but crawled into Kate’s bedroom with the foul offerings and Kate sleepily turned one eye over her shoulder to those poor wretches on the foot of her bed and said “Oh that’s nice. You girls go on and get to sleep now. You’ll be fine. I was just hazing you,” then set her head back down on the pillow. “That’s one I learned from my coven’s high priestess back in the day. Boy was she a pickle.” They crawled into bed and slept through into the next night, waking up to sip a few handfuls of cold water that splashed in their empty bellies like a bedpan, then returned for another equal measure of stygian sleep.