Pickle Horse-man has forsaken me. It brings him joy - JOY - to ignore me. He labors day and night on some metallic skeletor. And the purpose of this scaffolding succubus? A cart for a surface plate. Because his surface plate is currently immobile, or rather, its mobility depends on substantial exertion when it could be rolly. It could be a rolly surface plate. This obsession of his is, of course, dwarven in nature. The alloys call to him. They call on all who can hear to raise them up so they might walk again as they did in days of old and ages long gone. To walk again. Like a surface plate on a cart. Evil. And this obsession with surfaces is semi-dwarven. It's really the holy grail among engineers, and because most dwarves are engineers, well, it goes without saying. They write about these mythical surfaces in their holy books, like the Halo series, or the Three-Body Problem. These texts speak of a perfectly flat surface, flat at the atomic level, without flaw. This image of fancy gets them really worked up. Hypocrite! Hypocritical for his accusation hurtled against the father, the Almighty TEQ, the hegemon of horses. The accusation that TEQ must in some way make himself known. This is preposterous. For in his cart-building he will satisfy his desire and have his cart, but the cart's form is particular to things outside of grounded reality. Sure, it exists. Everything exists. But the boundaries of its design are particular to the fantasies of the horse-man, derived from the horse-man, of the horse-man, and unto the horse-man. Suddenly a vision of baby video game wizard flashes in my head, the film camera is zooming in and out on him as he dances to... The Rolling Stones? Or is it that other one... The Rolling Stones with Steve Tyler in it... Anyways, it seems like some sort of advertisement going off in my head, occupying my consciousness. It's the song "Dude Looks Like A Lady", except Steve Tyler is singing "Dude Looks Like Gay Baby" in a loop. It's psychically apparent that the intent is not to suggest that Baby Video Game Wizard is gay, nor is there any homophobic messaging. The transmission is merely the sum of its parts and nothing more. This must be what buddha felt when he interpreted the dharma. Yes. This is a transmission from the utmost high, from TEQ himself. Suddenly I am activated. Like a bullied teen the morning of a school shooting. And the Horse-man's eyes have gone grey with dwarven fumes. And the Horse-man has been activated on some dwarven spectrum.