Dear diary, Unfortunately the horrible pedophile SLIPPERY PETE has somehow survived the theater fire. Even WORSE, we are hanging out again, but I assure you it is ONLY because I am in a big fight (the origin of which I have forgotten) with the horse-man and our respective friend group, so it is only by NECESSITY that I am hanging out with him. It does not in any way qualify as an endorsement of his objectively irredeemable beliefs. In fact, while we are hanging out, I make it a point to telegraph to everyone around that I DO NOT LIKE the person I am with. On occasion I make this known to Slippery Pete, too, and he says it makes him sad but he understands and that seems to be the way it goes with all his friends and family. I tell him we’re only hanging out because I got in a big fight with all my real pals and once that’s cleared up I’ll be spending all my time with them and I won’t want to see him and he says it makes him sad but he understands. The check comes for my double nasty burger and I tell Slippery Pete to pay it and he does. I tell him he’s going to go to prison one day and the other inmates are going to have to take him out, that they won’t have a choice because honor dictates they must. He says it makes him sad but he knows it’s true. I say hold up I ain’t done eating and I order the BIG novelty bottle of champagne and I make sure the waiter knows Slippery Pete is paying and that I don’t like him. The waiter seemed indifferent and as he walked away I made sure to mutter through gritted teeth, at a level he could certainly hear, that I hate the goddamn interdimensional vampire pedos infesting our noble base reality with a passion. Yours forever and true, Bonky